Professor Coaldrake’s report, Let the sunshine in, highlighted several issues with lobbying in Queensland. The impacts of inappropriate lobbying are not easily quantified but can reduce the public's confidence in government decision-making. It can have significant economic impacts and profound effects on the outcome of public policies.

The Crime and Corruption Commission has reported a substantial increase in recorded lobbying activities in recent years.

The Integrity and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024 includes amendments to the Integrity Act 2009 aimed at strengthening the regulation of lobbyists and lobbying activities. 

Professor Coaldrake recommended that the Auditor-General carry out performance audits of the lobbying register, ministerial diaries, and public records to ensure recordkeeping obligations are being complied with.

Audit Objective

This audit will examine whether lobbying practices in Queensland are transparent and comply with legislation.

Who we might audit
  • Department of the Premier and Cabinet
  • ministerial offices
  • Office of the Queensland Integrity Commissioner (to commence from 1 July 2024)
  • selected public sector entities.
Area of focus
Governance of government
Parliamentary Committee
Cost of Living and Economics Committee
Anticipated tabling: to be advised