Annual report

Our annual report summarises our performance, operations, and business highlights for 2023–24. It contains our financial statements, including the opinion of the independent external auditor. It complies with the Financial Accountability Act 2009, Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019, and the detailed requirements set out in the Annual report requirements for Queensland Government agencies. We also recognise our peoples' achievements, and thank our clients and stakeholders for their work with us this year.

Annual report 2023–24

View annual reports archive


Transparency report

Our focus is to deliver quality audits with insightful impacts that meet the expectations and regulatory requirements of our clients. To demonstrate our commitment to audit quality, we have prepared a transparency report for 2022‒23 to provide insights into the way we audit and apply our internal practices. This transparency report covers the audits we delivered in the financial year ended 30 June 2023. It explains our quality program and results, how we seek to improve our audit and assurance practices, and describes our systems of quality management.

Transparency report 2022–23

View transparency reports archive


Performance statement

Our strategic plan includes indicators of achievement that help us identify to what extent we are achieving our strategic objectives. 

Each year we review and refine our performance measures and targets, challenging ourselves to improve the way we engage with our clients and deliver our services. 

We also monitor our progress on an ongoing basis and report on our key performance measures in our annual report.


Financial statements

Our certified financial statements are included in our annual report. Our financial statements provide details of our financial position and performance. This statement reports against the budget and target information contained in our Service Delivery Statement.


Service Delivery Statement

Our Service Delivery Statement describes our role, the services we provide, and details of our financial budget and operational performance measures and targets. It is available through the Queensland Government Budget website under the portfolio for the Department of the Premier and Cabinet.


Charge out rates

The Treasurer has approved the following charge out rates for QAO:

Position Approved rate per hour from 1 October 2023 ($)Approved rate per hour from 1 October 2024 ($)
Deputy/Assistant Auditor-General (SES)260286
Director/Senior Director (SO2/SO3)231254
Director (SO1)222244
Senior Manager (AO8/PO6)213234
Audit Manager (AO7/PO5)192211
Assistant Manager (AO6/PO4)176194
Audit Senior (AO5)154169
Auditor (AO4)137151
Auditor (AO3)117129
Auditor (AO2)102112

The audit fee we charge our clients for audits conducted by QAO staff is based on recovering the operating costs associated with performing the audit.